… because we are convinced that we can only realize our complete potential together.
Our enthusiasm for software development is contagious.
We appreciate the different technical backgrounds and the associated enrichment through different perspectives.
Work @ Visu-IT!
Our daily business is more than just getting things done.
Most of the time, we can do what we enjoy the most: developing software.
We think outside the box and nurture new ideas.
We are a community and work together on long-standing projects.
Feel free
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
Your choice
We mostly give you the freedom to choose both: Where and when you want to work.
Our office is easy to reach and of course everyone has their own fixed place to work.
Besides coffee, there is also a lot of fun in the office.
Appart from work
We value a good work-life-balance.
Visu-IT! RuntimeExceptions
We go running together and take part at regional running events.
To keep the enthusiasm going we take care of every member and pay attention to healthy working hours.
We organize various team events, from joint sporting activities to company outings.
Further benefits
You may wonder why some points have not been mentioned yet.
✓ Yes, we have our own parking spaces at the office.
✓ For us, further training is part of promoting the individual interests of each member.
✓ Most of the time we are free to choose the date of our holiday.
✓ An annual appraisal interview with our CEO is a matter of course for us and even more important: He will always find a timeslot in between to talk to you, if you need it.